A B2C product that helps the organization strengthen its connection with his members.

My role

Product Design User Experience Design System User Interface Design

As the world keeps getting more advanced in the internet age and the rapid changes have also been seen since covid came, there's been a need for organizations to connect more with their members outside physical methods. To this end, I was tasked to designing a website that helps the organizational fulfill this purpose.

The goal of this product is quite simple. Enhance the engagement the organization has with its members, and offer various means through which they can carry similar activities or tasks they'd normally do in a physical setting like watching sermons, making financial contributions or making inquiries, now in a virtual setting.



One major activity that's been carried out in this organization is partaking of services and events that are been carried out in their physical settings. Due to varrying factors that sometimes prevents their members from being physically present in their services, they still wanted to have a means to be able to partake of this events without being there physically.

To this effect a web page detailing when these events and the platforms they can watch them l=(Youtube and Instagram) is displayed. Where once either of this platform links is clicked, it takes them directly to the livestream.

Sermons' Vault

In some cases, members might either miss a particular sermon or just want to rewatch said sermon as they feel there was a lot they're still yet to unpack from the sermon. This design solves that problem by compiling a list of sermons that have been done from most recent to oldest ones, with the topic and preachers name also specified. Each sermon is connected to different hosting platforms, which offers the user the option of either streaming directly on their youtube page, listening to just the audio file or even downloading the file to watch or listen to at a later time.

Contact Us page

On this page, not just members of the organization but also visitors who are looking to connect or get more information from the organization can either reach by send a message through the message box, or use any of the contact details listed to get in touch with the organization.


As it is with the social media age, everyone needs to either relive moments or have content to post and sometimes might not be able to capture them themselves. As the church already has an existing media team that takes pictures at every event, a page has been designed to help them upload these contents and group them by event and date, giving the members the opportunity to check the pictures after the sermon.

A preview of what it's like viewing the images on the website.

Informative pages

A section of the landing page showing upcoming events for the week.

A section showing key members of the leadership team.

A section of he landing page giving a quick run down of the church information.

A section of the about us page showing the organizations key belief system.

Finance page

Voluntary giving is a an impactful part of the members obligations to the organization, and while this may not always be possible to do physically, this design helps provide a means through which they can find information about our they can support the organization financially from wherever they are in the world.

Departments' information

This page is designed to give the members a means through which they can checkout what several departments are up to in the church, like the worship and drama teams. And either watch or listen to their content.

Webpage Footer

A footer for the webpage showing quick links to other pages, contact information and a quick brief summary about the organization

Full-scale design of different pages 1/2

Full-scale design of different pages 2/2